A Lead Acid Battery is used for 02 purposes.
- SLI Batteries: SLI battery is used for starting, lighting & ignition to power the starter motor, the lights, and the ignition system of a vehicle’s engine.
- Deep Cycle Batteries: This Battery is used for Back up purpose for UPS inverters etc.
Lead Acid Battery is a device consists of one or more cell connected in series used for converting stored chemical energy into electrical energy.
Cell of lead acid battery compromises of Positive Plates and Negative Plates and Separators.
- Cells when connected is series, add to Voltage of Battery e.g. 6 cells in series give 12 Volts.
- Cells when connected in parallel add to Ampere Hours. e.g. 2 batteries of 60AH in parallel gives 120 AH.
- Increase the number of Plates, increase the AH.